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Faculty Corporate Meet

Faculty Corporate Meet

The Course Planning Meet- General Management Area

Date: 09-12-2019

The objective of Course Planning Meet, held on 09/12/19 was to get opinion from external panel regarding the session plan, teaching-learning process, assessment components and rubrics for assessment. The meeting started with the welcome address by Dr Sarangapani. He welcomed the panelists and then invited the faculty members to give their respective presentations.

The panel of academic experts who attended the event were Dr. Sahana Prasad - Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, Christ (Deemed to be University), Dr. S. Chandrasekhar - Professor and Director-Analytics, IFIM Business School, Dr. Vasudevan Murthy - Guest faculty in Operations and Supply Chain Management at leading business schools in Bangalore and Professor Hema Harsha- Associate Professor, M.P. Birla, in the areas of CSR, Economics, Entrepreneurship and other courses in General Management

Faculty Croporate meet for General management department at CMS Business School

Faculty Croporate meet for General management department, insustrty persons as guest were Dr. Sahana Prasad, Dr. Vasudevan Murthy & Hema Harsha, conducted on 09-12-2019

The discussion was on the courses that included the subjects of Corporate Strategy, Logistics& Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Management, Warehouse Management, Logistics Management, CSR& Sustainability, Indian Economy& Policy, Entrepreneurship, Indian Ethos& Business Ethics, Business Analytics, Programing with R, Tableau, Descriptive Analytics& Visualization, Systems& Operations Management, Production Planning& Control, IT for Managers, Operations Management, Entrepreneurship& Family Business, Entrepreneurship Theory& Practice, Entrepreneurial Finance. The presentations thus were made by the Faculty Co-Coordinators for the respective subjects.

At the end of presentations Prof Vasudeva Moorthy from the expert panel explained the importance of aligning academic inputs to the industry demands. He also explained the importance of block chain concept and industry 4.0. He suggested to add both in the curriculum.

In the concluding remarks, Dr Ranjith gave a brief summary of the points discussed Dr. Uma M H thanked all the experts, management of CMS Business School, Area chair and Dean Academics in her vote of thanks. Program concluded with the felicitation of the panelists.

Feedback Analysis:
  Wt Score4 5 4 3 2 1        
Questions to Map Pos List of Pos & PSOs Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Wt. Score Max score %age
1.The Meet helped faculty to understand real-world management learnings that I can apply to my classroom teaching PO1 PO2 PO6 PSO3 9 2 10 1 0     22 85 110 77%
2.The industry facilitators added value and relevance to my understanding of management theories PO2 PO3 PSO1 9 6 6 0 1     22 88 110 80%
3.The sessions provided faculty with an opportunity to reinvent learning strategies in the classroom to help make students future ready PO6 PO7 PSO1 7 8 6 1 0       22 87 110 79%
4.The Meet helped faculty to update and renew  learning with the recent trends in the industry PSO1PSO3 6 8 6 0 2   22 82 110 75%
5.Overall rating of the faculty-corporate meet PO5 PO6 9 7 5 1 0   22 90 110 82%
Faculty Corporate Meet

Marketing Area

Date: 12.12.2019, Boardroom II

Mr. Mithun Appaiah, CEO, Innovative Foods Ltd. (Brand: SUMERU) interacted with the Marketing Faculty in the Board Room II.

Krishna Koppa commenced the meeting by briefing the attendees on the objective of having FCM at the area level. Dr. Satish Kumar introduced the guest, Mr. Mithun Appaiah to the marketing area faculty.

Following points acted as pointers for the interaction between faculty and corporate guest.

  • how academics or inputs from academia is still helping / (or not) in his current role.
  • Do academicians really understand industry requirements? - his opinions
  • how marketing has evolved off-late and how is it posing challenges or opportunities
  • his suggestions on strengthening academia-industry connect in marketing area
  • What are the evolving roles in marketing?
  • What are the industries that management graduates could pursue careers in marketing?
  • Discussion on getting students industry ready in marketing – industry ready to suit the sub section of the industry. Eg FMCG, Advertising, digital, services, industrial, IT? Can this be done considering students have aspirations within marketing.
  • Overview of Indian frozen food industry

Prof. Bharathi Gopal, Faculty, IBS, Bangalore chaired the meeting. Faculty in Marketing Area were present in the discussion.

Krishna Koppa commenced the interaction by briefing the members on the suggestions and recommendations given by panel of experts during last CPM held on 25.05.2019. He listed and explained the actions taken based on these suggestions. Krishna set the context for the meeting by briefing the chair on course matrix, electives and credit and sessions allocation for the coming semester.

Chair, Prof. Bharathi Gopal appreciated the concept of conducting such meets and opined that the course planning process, this semester, has truly improved over last time and mentioned that next semester we may get the CPM done with no externals and internal team can vet the process internally.

Dr. Harold suggested that each pedagogical method is suitable to drive certain learning outcomes. No attempt must be made by the faculty to plan for driving all outcomes by each of the method.

Following suggestions are listed for making Course Planning at CMS BS more effective.

  • Handbook of “assessment rubric” can be prepared at Area / BS level – to establish standardization across assessment methods.
  • To have CO (Course Outcome) mapped to each session and each assessment component.
  • COs can also be classified under categories of ‘Knowledge, Skill, Attitude, Employability etc.” and thus can be mapped accordingly to session and assessment component.
  • Faculty to identify key topics of the course and dedicate more hours to them.
  • Number of “Self-Learning Topics” for students can be increased.
  • Course must clearly identify cases planned for the learning. Students must be briefed well in advance on these cases.
  • Faculty to identify 2 full length cases per course to start with till learning effectiveness is attained. Later faculty may increase the number.
Marketing faculty corporate meet with guest Mr. Mithun Appaiah at CMS Business School

Faculty Corporate meet for Marketing department, industry persons as guest were Mr. Mithun Appaiah, conducted on 12-12-2019

Marketing faculty corporate meet with guest Prof. Bharathi Gopal at CMS Business School

Faculty Corporate meet for Marketing department, industry persons as guest were Prof. Bharathi Gopal, conducted on 12-12-2019

  Wt Score4 5 4 3 2 1        
Questions to Map Pos List of Pos & PSOs Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Wt. Score Max score %age
1.The Meet helped faculty to understand real-world management learnings that I can apply to my classroom teaching PO1 PO2 PO6 PSO3 4 6 1 3 0 14 53 70 76%
2.The industry facilitators added value and relevance to my understanding of management theories PO2 PO3 PSO1 2 5 4 3 0 14 48 70 69%
3.The sessions provided faculty with an opportunity to reinvent learning strategies in the classroom to help make students future ready PO6 PO7 PSO1 4 6 3 1 0 14 55 70 79%
4.The Meet helped faculty to update and renew  learning with the recent trends in the industry PSO1PSO3 5 4 2 3 0 14 53 70 76%
5.Overall rating of the faculty-corporate meet PO5 PO6 4 4 2 4 0 14 50 70 71%
Faculty Corporate Meet

Finance Area

Date: 13-12-2019
Guest Name: Mr. Dayesh K Angle and Mr. Kiran Kumar

The Finance Area of CMS Business School, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University), organised the Faculty Corporate Meet on 13th December 2019 from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm. The Faculty Corporate Meet essentially brings together the best minds from both the industry and academics. The main intent of this exercise was to help the academic community to appreciate the broader expectations of the industry.

The objectives of the meet were:

  • Appreciate the recent trends in the industry through the deliberations with the industry leaders
  • Revisiting the curriculum framework, course matrix and pedagogical tools
  • Briefing the role of technology as a disruptor and enabler
  • Appreciate the industry’s expectations from the students
  • Contributing for bridging the industry-academia gaps through deliberations on corporate practices and applications
  • Creating sustainable value for the society at large

Mr. Dayesh K Angle and Mr. Kiran Kumar were the industry experts. Mr. Dayesh K Angle is the CFO- Infrastructure Services, India & South Asia, IBM India Private Limited. Mr. Kiran Kumar is the Director, Investment Banking Division, Acuity Knowledge Partners (Formerly Moody's Analytics).

All the faculty members of the Finance Area participated in the meet. Dr Preetha, Associate Professor of Finance welcomed the industry experts to the meet. Dr BR Rao Professor and Area Chair of Finance set the ball rolling by initiating the deliberations.

Mr. Dayesh emphasised the role of governance and regulations in the VUCA environment. He deliberated on the role of data mining, predictive analytics and impact of automation on job profiles.

Mr. Kiran Kumar stressed the importance of fundamentals and the broader understanding of the industry landscape. He emphasized the significance of comprehending the data and data interpretation while using Excel as a tool in analytics.

All the faculty members actively participated in the deliberations with the industry experts. Dr Sireesha, Assistant Professor of Finance, rendered the vote of thanks.

Finance faculty corporate meet with guests Mr. Dayesh K Angle and Mr. Kiran Kumar at CMS Business School

Faculty Corporate meet for Finance department, industry persons as guest were Mr. Dayesh K Angle and Mr. Kiran Kumar, conducted on 13-12-2019

  Wt Score4 5 4 3 2 1        
Questions to Map Pos List of Pos & PSOs Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Wt. Score Max score %age
1.The Meet helped faculty to understand real-world management learnings that I can apply to my classroom teaching PO1 PO2 PO6 PSO3 3 8 1 6 1     19 63 95 66%
2.The industry facilitators added value and relevance to my understanding of management theories PO2 PO3 PSO1 4 4 6 4 1     19 63 95 66%
3.The sessions provided faculty with an opportunity to reinvent learning strategies in the classroom to help make students future ready PO6 PO7 PSO1 5 4 6 4 0     19 67 95 71%
4.The Meet helped faculty to update and renew  learning with the recent trends in the industry PSO1PSO3 2 4 7 3 3     19 56 95 59%
5.Overall rating of the faculty-corporate meet   PO5 PO6 3 4 2 10 0   19 57 95 60%
Faculty Corporate Meet


Understanding Artificial Intelligence (AI) in knowledge Era enterprises
Held on 14.12.2019

General Management Area Faculty-Corporate Meet was held on the 14th December headed by the Dean – Dr Harold Patrick and the Area Chair Dr Sudarshan Seshanna to share their knowledge of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact upon various areas with the academicians at CMS B-School.

The Panel of Industry Experts were
  • Mr. K. R. Jayachandran, Head, AI Centre of Excellence, HCL Engineering, Bangalore
  • Mr. Krishnan Narayana, Senior VP, Business Development, ASM Technologies, Bangalore
  • Mr. M. Vijay Kumar, Deputy General Manager, SKF India Ltd., Bangalore
  • Mr. Bastin Robin, Chief Data Scientist, CleverInsight, Bangalore
Mr. K. R. Jayachandran – HCL Engineering spoke on AI trends in the industry

Mr. K. R. Jayachandran – HCL Engineering spoke on AI trends in the industry

Mr. Krishnan Narayana, ASM Technologies, Bangalore discussed various perspectives on AI

Mr. Krishnan Narayana, ASM Technologies, Bangalore discussed various perspectives on AI. He emphasized the students should be trained on identifying the problems prevailing in India and find a solution for that through AI.

Mr. M. Vijay Kumar from SKF India Ltd., Bangalore, shares insights on AI use and application at SKF India Ltd.

Mr. M. Vijay Kumar SKF India Ltd., - Bangalore presented the insights of the use and application of AI at SKF India Ltd

Mr. Bastin Robin from CleverInsight stresses data-driven decisions and the contextual use of AI in organizations

Mr. Bastin Robin, CleverInsight emphasized about data-driven decision making and offered that AI is to be used in the right context if required by the organizations.

The faculty members had discussions with the corporate heads with zeal and enthusiasm
Faculty members of General Management Area in FCM

The faculty members had discussions with the corporate heads with zeal and enthusiasm

Faculty members of General Management Area in FCM
Faculty members of General Management Area in FCM

Faculty members of General Management Area in FCM

The meet proved to be futile as the context, use, application, and limitations of AI in the industry as well to impart the knowledge to the students while teaching set a perfect stage for the enhancement of the use of AI.

Industry speakers stressed to observe the need to invest in AI, advised a consultative approach, cautioned upon the challenges in adopting AI and the model development. Also stress was upon experiential learning, limitations of the use and application of AI, data labelling, and identifying high impact problems first and then collecting good data accordingly leading to SMART manufacturing. Finally, the academicians in the meet requested the industry experts to advise the right use of AI in B-Schools and universities to enable prioritize investments in the right area and direction in the near future. The concluding remarks was given by Dr.Sarangapani, Faculty, GM

The faculty-corporate meet concluded by thanking the B-School for providing them with such an opportunity and everyone who were involved in making this possible. Vote of thanks was given by Dr.S.Yavana Rani, Faculty, GM

Faculty Croporate meet


  Wt Score4 5 4 3 2 1        
Questions to Map Pos List of Pos & PSOs Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total   Wt. Score Max score %age
1.The Meet helped faculty to understand real-world management learnings that I can apply to my classroom teaching PO1 PO2 PO6 PSO3 2 9 8 4 2   25 80 125 64%
2.The industry facilitators added value and relevance to my understanding of management theories PO2 PO3 PSO1 5 5 8 6 1   25 82 125 66%
3.The sessions provided faculty with an opportunity to reinvent learning strategies in the classroom to help make students future ready PO6 PO7 PSO1 9 5 6 4 1     25 92 125 74%
4.The Meet helped faculty to update and renew  learning with the recent trends in the industry PSO1PSO3 4 6 1 11 3   25 72 125 58%
5.Overall rating of the faculty-corporate meet PO5 PO6 5 7 5 6 2   25 82 125 66%

The HR Club activity ‘3rd Faculty-Corporate meet OB & HR area’

Date: 14-12-2019
Date 14th December 2019
Time: 9:00 Am to 2:00 AM
Venue: CMS Business School, JAIN (Deemed To Be  University), Bangalore
Semester: OB & Hr Faculty
Guest/Speaker Name: Mr AV Vardaraj and MsSirisha Reddy
Guest/Speaker Designation Director GTM & Operations (IoT), SAP and Chief people officer (South), Future Group.
Guest/Speaker Contact No & Email Id: ‘-
Guest/Speaker Company/ Institute Name: GTM & Operations (IoT), SAP  and Future Group.
Faculty Coordinators Name: Dr. Uma Warrier
Topic: 3rd Faculty-Corporate meet
Moderator (if any) NA
No. of Attendees 13 Faculty members
Feedback: Yes
Brochure: (if any) Yes
Revenue Collected: (if any) NA
1. Introduction: The FCM was planned in two clusters.
Cluster A
The corporate associate for this cluster is Mr AV Vardaraj, Director GTM & Operations (IoT), SAP.

The faculty members handling the subjects AIHRM, TA, SHRM & HRM presented the session plans in that order for 5 modules along with the Continuous Internal Assessment components (CIAs), which are mapped to the Course objectives and program objectives (COPO).

Cluster B
The corporate associate for this cluster is MsSirisha Reddy, Chief people officer (South), Future Group.

The faculty members handling the subjects LIP, IHRM, Org Dept and L&D presented the session plans in that order for 5 modules along with the Continuous Internal Assessment components (CIAs), which are mapped to the Course objectives and program objectives (COPO).

2. Venue (Outside/Inside the campus): Inside the campus
3. Objectives:

The aims of 3rd Faculty-Corporate meet was to bridge the gap between academia and industry by providing a platform for exchanging the conceptual knowledge and practical experience, which ultimately brings the student closer to industry expectations and thereby improved employability. The corporate associate shared real time challenges in the respective courses for tweaking in to incorporate in CIA.

  • Apply knowledge of management theories and practices to solve business problems.
  • Ability to adopt various tools for decision making and problem solving.
5. Activity Overview:
Cluster A
Summary of Comments/ Suggestions/ Recommendations:
Subject: Artificial Intelligence HRM
  • For Module 4- Industry Experts Interaction.
  • Involve Startups engaged in AI- Chatbots, Robotics, etc.
  • Fundamental understanding of analytics/ number crunching involved in HR.
  • HRM activity with respect to Branding.
  • Simplify – Coding, Gaming, Encryption, Data Privacy.
  • One CIA element could be replaced with one of the above.
  • MS Excel – Prerequisite.
Subject: Talent Acquisition
  • Concern- HR exposure is minimal
  • Overlapping of electives
  • Theoretical foundation is lacking in students
  • Socialising skills focus
  • Module 2 – METTLE – Recruitment tool
  • Module 3 – Talent acquisition techniques- Face to face video, Tools capturing facial expressions, time taken/analysis, video robotic interviews, hackathon, Case studies interviews, writing cases, data analysis.
  • Module 4- Induction – engaging with candidates two months before they join, keeping them warm.
Subject: Strategic HRM
  • Module 1 – aligning company strategy with HR actions
  • Corporate governance
  • Pedagogy – HBR case studies
  • CIA- Question Bank
Subject: HRM
  • Performance appraisal trends – Continuous assessments
  • Branding – local examples, retaining employees during industry downtime- examples
  • Readings should increase
  • HR Branding
  • AI
  • Automated Recruitment
  • Simulations – Gaming Gyan/ Global Gyan
Cluster B
Summary of Comments/ Suggestions/ Recommendations:
Subject: Leadership in practice
  • CIA 3 – Project activity
  • Empathy, influence and emotional connect (assessment/ identification as important component)
  • Research publication through data collected from instruments.
Subject: IHRM
  • Ethical issues in international scenario.
Subject: Org Development
  • Inviting OD practitioners to the class.
Subject: Learning and development
  • CIA 1 – Rubrics, identify skills gap, develop metrics
  • CIA 2 – HR skills, Instruments/Assessments
Subject: Emotional intelligence
  • 3 B philosophy- Right Belief, Right Business, Right Behaviour
  • Emotional intelligence in employee life cycle.

Dr. Uma Warrier, our Area Head delivered the vote of thanks. Dr. Uma Warrier and Dr.Monoo John along with student representatives felicitated by presenting them a sapling.

6. Guest/Speakers’ Profile:

The corporate associate for this cluster is Mr AV Vardaraj, Director GTM & Operations (IoT), SAP.

The corporate associate for this cluster is MsSirisha Reddy, Chief people officer (South), Future Group.

7. Summary and Key Learnings of the session:
  1. It was a refreshing, enriching session for all of us.
  2. The corporate associate shared wonderful insights & also suggested add-ons to create better value.
  3. Bridge the gap between academia and industry.
  4. The corporate associate shared real time challenges in the respective courses.
  5. Participant details: 11 faculty members.
  6. Details of Winners (if applicable): NA
  7. Details of the judges (if applicable): NA
  8. Attendance records:
  9. articipants’ Feedback, Feedback Analysis and Attainment Calculation:
    • The corporate associate shared wonderful insights & also suggested add-ons to create better value.
    • The corporate associate shared real time challenges in the respective courses.
  10. Proposals for the Event/Programme:
  11. Minutes of Meetings:
    Meeting Title Faculty-Corporate meet OB & HR area
    Date of Meeting 11th December 2019
    Meeting Venue CMS Business School Campus
    Meeting Agenda Guest lecture workshop
    In Attendance Name Title/ Department/ Organization
      Dr. Harold Patrick   Dr. Uma Warrier   Dean – Academics   Professor and Area chair  
    Key Meeting Outcomes
    1. Experienced corporate personality should be roped in for the same
    2. All the faculty members should participate
    Action Plans if Any (also mention ‘First Person Responsible (FPR)’
    1. The faculty will be requested to suggest the topic for which input is required.
    2. Dr. Uma Warrier will arrange the guest lecture depending on the availability of the speaker, coordinate for the promotional poster and coordinating with the students
    3. HR senior faculty  will act as a host during the conduction of the guest lecture and  will also act as a moderator during the guest lecture.
  12. Budget:
  13. Trailing Emails/communications:
  14. Any other related details: NA
  15. Pictures for the Event:
OB & HR faculty, guest speakers, Dean of Academics, and Area Chair gather for an event

Faculty Members of OB & HR along with the Guest Speakers and Dean –Academics ,Area Chair –OB & HR

Dr, Komal explaining the Modules during the Board of Studies Meeting on Syllabus

Dr, Komal explaining the Modules during the Board of Studies Meeting on Syllabus

Feedback Analysis
  Wt Score4 5 4 3 2 1        
Questions to Map Pos List of Pos & PSOs Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Wt. Score Max score %age
1.The Meet helped faculty to understand real-world management learnings that I can apply to my classroom teaching PO1 PO2 PO6 PSO3 2 6 2 2 1   13 45 65 69%
2.The industry facilitators added value and relevance to my understanding of management theories PO2 PO3 PSO1 3 0 4 6 0   13 39 65 60%
3.The sessions provided faculty with an opportunity to reinvent learning strategies in the classroom to help make students future ready PO6 PO7 PSO1 3 1 4 4 1     13 40 65 62%
4.The Meet helped faculty to update and renew  learning with the recent trends in the industry PSO1PSO3 1 4 1 6 1   13 37 65 57%
5.Overall rating of the faculty-corporate meet PO5 PO6 1 6 3 2 1   13   43 65 66%
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